A Distant Place (2021)
Jin Woo, who resides on a sheep ranch in Hwacheon, Gangwon-do, lives a quiet life with his daughter Seol. Ranch owner Joong Man and his daughter Moon Kyeong treat them as family. Soon after, Jin Woo’s male friend Hyun Min arrives at the ranch, and reveals that the two have been long-time lovers. They dream of living happily with Seol in this peaceful place. However, with Jin Woo’s twin sister Eun Young’s visit, the conflict begins. In fact, Seol is Eun Young’s daughter but Jin Woo has been raising her because Eun Young disappeared. Like the close-up scene of the sheep wool in the beginning, A Far Place is a story that is not noticed from afar but revealed when looked closely. The local folks, who seemed friendly and gentle, show their true colors, and become exclusive and discriminatory as they learn about the truth of the two men. Even the intentions of family members, who thought they knew each other well, feel like ‘a far place.’ Like Jin Woo’s mind, the beautiful autumn landscape of Gangwon-do turns into harsh winter, but the film believes there is still a ray of hope.
Director: Park Keun Yeong [박근영]
Also known as: 정말 먼 곳 Jeongmal Meon Gos Jeongmal Meon Geot
Country: Korean
Status: Completed
Release Year: 2021
Starring: Hong Kyeong, Kang Gil Woo, Ki Do Yeong, Ki Joo Bong, Kim Shi Ha, Lee Sang Hee
A Distant Place (2021) full episodes
A Distant Place (2021) Episode 1