Unmasked (2025)
A comedy drama that tells the story of an investigative reporting crew centered on the team leader Trigger, who is full of a sense of justice, and the PD, a fierce individualist, who uncovers the truth behind mysterious events and save a program that is on the verge of being abolished.
Country: Korean
Status: Ongoing
Genres: Drama, Mystery, Romance, Thriller
Unmasked (2025) full episodes
Unmasked (2025) Episode 6
01/29/25 -
Unmasked (2025) Episode 5
01/29/25 -
Unmasked (2025) Episode 4
01/22/25 -
Unmasked (2025) Episode 3
01/22/25 -
Unmasked (2025) Episode 2
01/15/25 -
Unmasked (2025) Episode 1